Closing Agent Management

The industry’s first and largest database of validated, verified closing agents, with over 14,000 closing agents available

The lender problem

Purchase loans drive a growing network with thousands of settlement agents. Thousands of local settlement agents and branches make it difficult for lenders to ensure accurate information is maintained in LOS systems, Disclosures, and other key areas. Data inaccuracies create risk for compliance and funding.

Lenders save time and reduce the risks of manual data entry errors for closing agent contacts and validation data

Our solution

GridBase® is your source of truth to obtain validated information from your settlement agent network. A free and easy-to-use profile gives agents a cloud-based system to securely provide information about their business including wire, insurance, licensing, contact, and other important data. Our platform ensures accuracy of documents with an API to make information easily accessible to your systems.

Enterprise Account Creation

GridBase creates the lender’s account, establishing compliance requirements, validation frequency, and data points they would like validated.

Onboard Agent Network

The lender’s existing closing agent network is onboarded and new closing agents are added as requested.


When requested, GridBase® validates closing agents and issues validation certificates to the lender.

Continued Support

GridBase® provides ongoing compliance validation and considers new closing agents for approval at the lender’s or consumer’s request.

Getting started is easy